Business Growth Consulting

Building Profitable Businesses !

Good Business Growth Consulting is about helping clients transform and grow. Effective Consulting is about continuously adding to clients’ topline, talent, profits as well as market footprint and brand image.

We understand ‘Healthy Business Growth’ needs practical, result-driven Strategic Plan, Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Sales Strategy, Talent Management, Efficient Operations and Effective General Management.

Result-Based business growth Consulting with GautamManthan Consultants

Need 'Ideation to Fruition' Business Growth Consulting?
With Assured Desired Results?

Grow business with a result-driven consulting partner.

Get objective-driven, high ROI, business consulting support.

Streamline enterprise
operations, supported by experts.

Soundboard innovative growth ideas for the next big leap.

At GautamManthan we believe any consulting is only as good as the results it delivers. So, we pick the gauntlet where others dither, should they be scared to wither!

For the enterprise ships in the rough seas, we support ‘Stern to Stern’. Rejuvenated, functional smooth sail, you get in return.  So sure we are of our abilities that you get what is ‘quite unheard’ of in the consulting industry :

  • “Ideation to Fruition” Engagement.
  • Result-Driven, Performance-Linked Remuneration.

We are passionate experts determined to help entrepreneurial ventures grow and transform into sustainable and profitable businesses. We do this through wisdom, enriched by real-life experiences and contemporary pragmatism. For us it is all about result-driven business growth consulting with implementation. After all, any effort must bring profitable businesses to our clients.

Our Beneficial
Consulting Services

With our experienced, hands-on Business Growth Consultants, business leaders have access to subject-matter expertise. Our clients are benefitted with efficient management of crucial functions of their businesses.

Business Growth Consulting

Trusted Business Consulting, Management Consulting,  Business Advisory, Business Coaching and Mentoring……

Business Strategy Consulting

Business Model Canvas, Blue Ocean, Business Strategy, Business Plans, Business Feasibility Studies, Strategic Plan and effective implementation……

Brand & Marketing

Brand Identity, Brand Reinforcement, Messaging Strategy, Communication Plan, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Sales Support……

Sales, Revenue Maximization

Robust Sales Strategy & detailed Plan. Motivated, goal-driven, performing sales team. Building profitable sales…….

Operations Optimization

Efficient and Streamlined Business processes. Efficient implementation and continuous improvement…….

Building Talent Powerhouse

Passionate, willing, effective and motivated Talent Powerhouse. A Coveted Place to Work…….

Good Reasons to Choose GautamManthan !

It is a tedious task, for us consultants, to find worthy clients.  It is a bigger challenge for clients to find suitable, effective, no-nonsense, value-add consultants. In the absence of any practical testing criteria and with conventional practices, it is a high-risk gamble for clients to engage a consultant. For the clients, stakes are high in terms of money and organizational harmony. 

Thus, at GautamManthan we adopt an unconventional approach. Both parties start with a win-win stance and continue reaping mutual benefits in the long term too. A comprehensive victory for both parties. That is what makes us Business Growth Consultants with a Difference. Some key highlights of our way of taking up and implementing projects.

Unconventional Methodology

You get to try before investing fully. Project starts with detailed discussions to un-piece the puzzles and shortlist requisite strategies. Each session with fruit-bearing takeaways and tollgates for further collaboration.

Result-Driven Remuneration

We work on a Performance Linked Fee Structure. We create a blueprint of project stages & milestones. Our fees are paid against completion of each stage and achievement of results. Win-win for both the parties.

Comprehensive Engagement

To a client organization our expert would be a seeker, research expert, a professor, a strategist, a business leader, a manager, an auditor and a friend too. Engaged from conceptualization till desired results.

Have you taken the 'Business Readiness Self-Assessment'?
Can Business Consultants benefit your enterprise?

If you have not already taken ‘Business Readiness Self-Assessment’ we urge you to take it. Enterprises spend a lot of time and money to get what we are offering you as a complimentary gesture. This Assessment gives you automated and unbiased suggestions on the state of your business and the consulting support best-suited for your organization. It sort of gets you prepared and ready for discussions with ‘potential consultants’.

Test Us? Try Some Brainstorming Workshops.​

Check feasibility and possible outcomes from the project?

Business Consulting, Management Consulting

  • Strategic Business Growth through development and implementation of Strategic Plans for Profitable Revenue-Growth.
  • Subject-matter Expertise for Business Strategy, Marketing, Sales, SHRM, Talent Management, Product, Pricing, Operations and Services.
  • Operational Efficiency Improvement with cost containment and quality control.
  • Company’s Wealth Enhancement through robust Financial planning and fiscal prudence.
  • Make in India for foreign MNCs through support in establishing fully functional Indian subsidiaries. 

Business Strategy & Strategic Planning

  • Setting Vision and Objectives foreseeing till distant future of the organization.
  • Efficient Strategic Planning to build long-term blueprint to realize the ambitious dreams.
  • Comprehensive Strategic Plans to build clear roadmap.
  • Detailed Business Plans to fix milestones, resource requirements and set benchmarks for 3, 4, 5 years.
  • Implementation Plans to implement, monitor and continually improve on the business plans.
  • Immersed support to set up new businesses.

Brand Building and Marketing Strategy

  • Long-term Objective Setting to set in stone Objectives, Customer segmentation, Value Proposition and much more.
  • Brand Building with sustained, long-term ever-evolving brand strategies.
  • Messaging & Communication Rejuvenation to capture the right eyes and ears. Increase market share and mindshare.
  • Growth Hacking using optimum 360 degree integrated tools – conventional, digital, social consumer marketing and more.
  • Persuasive Marketing Material to increase market footprint and top-of-the-mind brand recall.
  • Assessing Agencies to help clients agencies worth their salt.

Sales Strategy, Plan and Revenue Maximizatione

  • Effective Sales Strategies to ensure elevated levels of business and productivity.
  • Efficient Sales Plans to effectively translate strategies into results. Building Sales Funnels to reap real benefits.
  • Robust Processes and Systems to maximize conversion in national, international B2B & B2C sales channels.
  • Motivated, Objective-driven teams to ensure optimum sales revenues with enhanced profits.
  • Sales and Coaching Workshops to create culture of objective-driven behavior and constant learning. 
  • Revenue Maximization to put the plans in practice, supervise, review, moderate and get desired results. 

Maximizing Operational Efficiency

  • Optimizing and containing costs for greater return on investment.
  • Implementing robust Operations and Quality systems to achieve customer delight.
  • Deploying BI dashboards and decision-making tools for effective planning and control.
  • Building national, international Sales and Service Delivery channels for effective reach.

Talent Management & Coaching​

  • Organizational Development (OD) & SHRM for aligning Organization Design, Talent, PMS, Culture, Succession, Processes, with the Strategic Plan.
  • Organization Design for an optimal structure with right job designs, competencies, KPIs and ownership.
  • Optimization of HR Policies encompassing entire employee lifecycle.
  • Learning & Development to build and nurture Talent Powerhouse.
  • Executive Coaching to maximize potential and build consistently high performing leaders and “Star” performers.
  • Creation of Motivating Workplace through effective talent acquisition, retention, management, and learning & development.
  • Building Perpetually Progressive Companies by creating culture of Innovation.
  • Employee Surveys and Feedback Workshops to take stock of existing culture and motivation.