Wish to Nurture Talent for Real?

Mantra for Sustained Success !

When your organization must be full of people who are ‘Simply Brilliant’ every day. When you know ‘Building Talent’ is a rewarding investment with the highest returns.

You are of firm belief that consistent, effective and relevant Learning & Development is a ‘significant behind the scenes contributor’ toward sustained success of an enterprise.

Talent Development solutions by GautamManthan
employee training and talent management by GautamManthan

Wish to Nurture Learning to build a Talent Powerhouse?

Either keep waiting for a miracle or mark today as the lucky day that you are looking through the right window. GautamManthan and ‘Mentor Learning’ (an industry-leading subject-matter expert since 2002) are jointly custom-crafting programs and workshops exclusively for your organization and needs.

Contact us to block our calendars, before others grab the slots to:

Build and nurture Enviable Talent with our team of result-driven experts.

Hand-pick objective-driven, high ROI, Talent Development solutions.

Get bespoke L & D, Training, Coaching, Organizational Design, OD solutions for your organization.

Benefit from engaging Expert coaches, leaders, trainers with real-life experiences.

  • Build, nurture and nourish Enviable Talent with our team of result-driven experts.
  • Hand-pick objective-driven, high ROI, Talent Development solutions.
  • Get bespoke L & D, Training, Coaching, Organizational Design, OD solutions.
  • Benefit from engaging Expert coaches, leaders, trainers with real-life experiences.

Get Corporate Talent Development Programs designed to help your organization metamorphose into a ‘Talent Powerhouse’.

We help you achieve these measurable, high ROI results by empowering leaders and employees to succeed, beyond business challenges fraught with issues of Capabilities & Human Behavior. We help you enhance the skills and knowledge of your resources. Inculcating in them the traits they need to succeed, surpass their assigned roles, and contribute to the overall success of your organization.

Find out how we continuously design and build a wide range of programs and solutions, to fulfil this purpose.

Our Domains of

Strategic HR is a vast area and we strongly believe that it is the ‘Sunrise’ function in any organization. ‘Build or Buy’ but Talent shall be one of the last areas to be replaced with AI, ML, VR of the world. We are of the firm opinion that effective Talent Management is one of the leading factors for any organization to remain competitive and keep growing.

We, GautamManthan and ‘Mentor’, have come together to help organizations get effective and imminent results in Strategic HR Management. Following are the core specialties where Mentor’s experts have been successfully supporting many organizations big and small.

Learning and Development

We support organizations in enhancing soft skills, work-specific skills and facets involving Employee Behavior and Organization Behavior. We accomplish this through painstakingly curated, measurable and value-add Training and Development Solutions, customized to specific needs of that organization.

Need-based solutions tailor-made for your organization and specially formulated methodologies enable learning through multiple stimuli.

Organizational Development

Welcome to our world of transformative solutions for Organizational Development (OD), Leadership Coaching and Executive Coaching! GautamManthan and Mentor, together, understand that success of any organization relies on the growth and development of its people and the leadership. With our specialized expertise, we create tailored solutions to help you elevate your organization to newer heights of brilliance and productivity.

Business Coaching

To stay competitive in today’s dynamic business landscape, it’s crucial to have strategic vision and adaptability. Our business coaching programs are designed to help your organization and key stakeholders identify growth opportunities, improve decision-making, and drive innovation. Our seasoned business coaches work closely with you to develop actionable functional strategies, optimize business processes, and achieve sustainable growth.

'Mentor Learning'

G. Desikamani Knowledge partner at GautamManthan
Learning and development experts

Give us your people, we’ll transform your business!

That is how client engagements have been for Mentor since 2002. And that is why GautamManthan and Mentor bring great synergy in turning around enterprising human resources and enterprises.

Mentor, led by its founder Desikamani G, works with R.O.L.E. (Result Oriented Learning Engineering) a patented, proprietary approach to corporate Learning. R.O.L.E is a process that has evolved with >15 years of observations, detailed research, insights, Beta testing, live experiments, repeat implementations and continuous refinement.  Being dynamically calibrated and fine-tuned, R.O.L.E. continues to surprise with its high efficacy & outcomes through learning. 

Key Sectors & Industries Served










Real Estate



Some of the Key Clients Served by 'Mentor'

Disclaimer-These logos and trademarks are owned by the respective organizations. Neither GautamManthan nor ‘Mentor’ claims any rights to these logos. Usage of these logos on this page does not indicate any endorsement of our programs or claims by any of these organizations.

Key clients served by Mentor

Why Talent with GautamManthan and Mentor!

SHRM, as we like to call it today, has been the fastest evolving business function which has reinvented and expanded itself over past 20 years or so. Once fondly called ‘Personnel Administration’ or ‘Manpower Management’ or ‘Personnel Management’ it now a Strategic Partner for progressive organizations.

Acquiring, building and nurturing Talent is a Herculean task, especially in the contemporary world. With ever-increasing expectations from and of employees, dynamically changing landscapes, ever-increasing need for subject matter experts, need for continuous innovation, unsatiable expectations of the stakeholders and much more. This list keeps growing, sprinkle some sensitivities and insensitivities, changing definition of things, acceptance and enhanced demands of acceptance, changing regulations and social norms etc.

Each organization needs a set of experts, and one is never enough to cover all aspects of Talent Management. 

This is where a team of experts, available through Mentor and GautamManthan, comes in handy.

Please visit the specific pages for each specialty to understand why we are the option you need for Talent Development.

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