Business Coaching & Mentoring

Your Contemporary Gurukul!

Empower your leaders and teams with Curated Business Coaching Modules. Invoke innovation, competitiveness, and growth with transformative development.

Get subject-matter experts to assess the situation. Get their support to curate bespoke learning workshops, run via classroom or hybrid modes. Enable brainstorming, dialogues, and simulations. This proven methodology ensures rapid absorption and usage of deployable skills.

You benefit from goal-driven action plans with full support for implementation, supervision, and assured results.

Coaching workshops with GautamManthan

Our Signature Coaching Modules

Some Signature Modules, described herein, give you a peep into the wonderful world of transformative coaching. We make it happen as our consultants & coaches ensure pre-assessing your people and processes to custom-craft modules for your organization.

S.O.A.R. Coaching module by GautamManthan. Increasing revenues

Realistic Business Growth

‘S.O.A.R.’ workshops are based on our highly effective and tested program for Business Enhancement. These bespoke workshops shall help you build and increase your business with immediate effect while making it sustainable and resilient for the future. The workshop helps you with in-depth designing of 4 critical components of the S.O.A.R. framework, suited to your business.

Incredibly useful module for start-ups, entrepreneurs, business leaders looking at building their businesses ground up or trying to bounce-back post a fall.

IDEA Coaching module by GautamManthan

Enterprise Building Strategies

‘I.D.E.A.’ Business Strategy sessions are organized for CxOs, business leaders and entrepreneurs to undertake effective ‘Strategic Planning’ for their respective enterprises. These workshops help them script their dreams and formalize long-term vision and goals for the organization and create the first Blueprint for it.

This custom designed module is well suited for existing organizations which must create a long-term growth trajectory, scale their business and streamline business operations.

LIFT Coaching module by GautamManthan. Building brand and Marketing footprint

Brand, Marketing Strategy and Marketing Plan

‘L.I.F.T.’ Marketing Strategy and Plan is exclusively curated for each organization to help them Build Brand, Marketing and Communication Strategy. It helps organizations frame apt Messaging and Communication strategies well-suited for their target audience.

A ‘must have’ for organizations looking to reinforce their brand. Businesses which are struggling over product or service differentiation, poor demand generation, declining or low sales and have low, ineffective share of customer mindscape.

EARN Coaching module by GautamManthan. Enhancing revenues

Sales Strategy and Sales Plan

‘E.A.R.N.’ Sales Strategy and Sales Plan module is custom-built to help organizations of all sizes to develop Sales Strategy, improve Sales Plan and enhance revenue generation for the organization.

A groundbreaking module for established businesses seeking to improve ‘generation of sales leads’ and ‘lead conversion’. This module has proven itself for businesses experiencing unpredictable fluctuations in sales or facing difficulties in getting the best out of their sales teams.

LEAP Coaching modules by GautamManthan. Strategic HR Management

Strategic HR and Talent Management

‘L.E.A.P.’ Learning & Development, OD, Organization Design and more are modules based on time-tested, scientifically-proven tools* and methods geared to helping you acquire, nurture, nourish and build a formidable talent Factory.

We recommend these if you really wish to build intrinsically motivated and self-propelled employees. Organizations which want their ships to be manned by intrinsically driven professionals for successfully sailing high seas.

*In association with  Mentor Learning, reputed for Learning & Development Solutions using time-tested modules and scientific Psychometric tools.

LEAD Discovering Leadership Coaching Needs by GautamManthan

Leadership Coaching & Executive Coaching

‘L.E.A.D.’ Executive Coaching and Leadership Coaching modules enable business leaders to unlock their potential and maximize individual capacities. This helps them bring positive, long-lasting changes through stimulating, reflective thinking, deepening self-awareness and leveraging internal strengths.

An essential transformational must for organizations planning long innings, and starting today to build the organizations of tomorrow.

*In association with a real-life professional & certified Coaches, and Mentor Learning, a reputed, established name in India.

Our Brief Modus Operandi for Coaching

Pre-assessment – Benchmarking your processes human resources. Ensuring everybody is on the same page.

Knowledge sessions – Understanding the key components to success.

Coaching exercises – Applying the knowledge acquired in the knowledge sessions for effective application.

Blueprints – Summarizing the learnings and preparing blueprints of result-oriented action plan.

Action Plans – Wrap-up, Conclusions and Action Plans– Detailed plan to reap benefits and get desired results.

Reviews – Post-workshop review and assessment of implementation and effectiveness.

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S.O.A.R. - The Business Growth Surge

‘S.O.A.R.’ workshops are based on our highly effective and tested program for Business Enhancement. This is custom designed to help you build and increase your business with immediate effect while making it sustainable and resilient for the future. These workshops help you design, for your business, the following 4 critical components of the S.O.A.R. framework in depth.

This intensive series of workshops is an essential element for start-ups, entrepreneurs, business leaders looking at building their businesses ground up or trying to bounce-back post pandemic.

  • Defining the SELF
  • Discovering the OTHERS (who impact your business – customers, competitors, etc.)
  • Learning to ACQUIRE business
  • Banking the REVENUE


  • Primary participants:          Founders, CEO, CxOs, other Business Leaders and Strategy Team
  • Recommended batch size: 3-6 persons
  • Duration:                              7-8 intense hours per session
  • Time to first session:           4 to 6 weeks from signing of agreement & advance payment
  • Fee Structure:                   INR 1,75,000 for preparation and first session. Stay on course for INR 110,000 per subsequent session.

Draft Agenda/Topics Covered: 

Defining the ‘SELF’
– Defining your business and formalizing those definitions
– Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals for business
– Defining your dream and Vision
– Defining the right roadmap and Mission
– Setting destination and goalposts with business Goals

Discovering the ‘OTHERS’
– Understanding your clients, business environment and competitors
– Defining potential business segments, industries and organizations
– Creating customer and buyer personas
– Assessing business environment and ensuring fortification
– Analyzing competition to build winning formulas

Learning to ‘ACQUIRE’
– Knowing how to generate new Business Leads
– S.M.A.R.T. annual objectives for the organization
– Understanding the Customer Journey
– Building an effective Sales Plan
– Creating a targeted Marketing Plan

Banking the ‘REVENUE’
– Meeting your revenue targets
– Getting the right talent and setting it up for success
– How to set the targets – yearly, monthly, daily, for each client segment, region and city?
– What report should you look at to know your Sales Funnel like the back of your hand?
– Understanding Organizational Design and how it can help grow talent

Your action plan: In this concluding session we use the learning and summarize the set of outcomes.

The workshop session equips you with the knowledge and tools to help your business soar. Follow-up sessions help you stay on course. 

Support for implementation and execution is also just a call away.

Please share brief info below. ‘S.O.A.R.' brochure shall be in your inbox within 5 minutes after you click the 'Submission' button.

I.D.E.A. - Business Model, Strategy, Strategic Plan

‘Business Strategy’ sessions are organized for business leaders and entrepreneurs to help them develop effective Strategic Plans for their respective organizations.

This custom-designed module helps a complete revamp of business growth process for any existing organizations desirous of creating a long-term growth trajectory, scale their business and streamline business operations.

  • Primary participants:            Founders, CEO, CxOs, other Business Leaders and Strategy Team
  • Recommended batch size:   3-6 persons
  • Duration:                                  7-8 intense hours each session
  • Total Sessions:                        3-4 sessions. Recommended*
  • Time to first session:              4 to 6 weeks from signing of agreement & advance payment
  • Fee Structure:                         INR 200,000 for preparation and first session. Stay on course for INR 150,000 per subsequent session.

Draft Agenda / Topics Covered:

Defining who you are
Exercise – Formalizing the real, long-term purpose of the business. Identifying the strengths and opportunities for your business.

The World around your business
Exercise – Identifying the external parameters which do or shall impact your business. Global or local factors, PESTEL Analysis, Threats or Congenialities for your business.

How the World sees your organization and its products/services
Exercise – Understanding how to assess the external world’s perception of your organization.

Finding your horizons
Exercise – Creating Vision, Mission, philosophy of your organization.

Strategic business planning – beyond the theory.
Need-based exercises – Broad segmentation of target industry and business segments; Knowing your potential clients; Competition mapping and your competitive positioning; Assessing the size of the potential business; Sessions on relevant business need, e.g., Ansoff Matrix etc.

Your action plan: In this concluding session we use the learning and summarize the set of outcomes.

Support for implementation and execution is just a call away.

*For most of the new businesses, or those under transition, this is the most critical multi-session workshop. However, each workshop session starts to deliver tangible and intangible results, reinforced by subsequent sessions. 

Please fill information below. ‘I.D.E.A.' brochure shall be in your inbox within 5 minutes after you click the 'Submission' button.

L.I.F.T. - Brand Building, Marketing Strategy & Plan

‘Brand Building and Marketing’ is exclusively curated for each organization to help them Build Brand and Communication Strategy.

This module is essential for organizations looking to reinforce their brand. Businesses which are struggling with challenges of product/service differentiation, poor demand generation and declining or low sales growth and have weak/ineffective digital footprint.

  • Primary participants:         Founders, CEO; Heads of business and Key Leaders of Marketing and Sales teams
  • Recommended batch size: 3-8 persons
  • Duration:                               7-8 intense hours per session
  • Time to first session:          3 to 5 weeks from signing of agreement & advance payment (new clients) or 2 to 3 weeks after Strategic Planning Workshops
  • Fee Structure:                     INR 210,000 for preparation and first session. Stay on course for INR 120,000 per subsequent session.

Draft Agenda/Topics Covered:

How to build a brand? Mother brand, umbrella brand, sub-brands
Exercise – Brand identity framework, Fill the brand positioning canvas.

Understanding your customer – Customer Segments and Personas
Exercise – Defining 2 Customer Segments and creating 1 Customer Persona.

Understanding the buyer journey
It’s all about communication – Creating a messaging framework.
Exercise – Creating brand promise, positioning statement, elevator pitch and message pillars.
Understanding components of your marketing strategy.

Marketing plan made easy
Exercise – Creating a draft marketing plan, Go-to-Market Strategy for one product/service.
Working smart with marketing agencies.

Introduction to Digital Marketing
Exercise – Digital marketing assessment. Assessing the right SEM, SMM channels for your business, outlines for planning budgets for the best results; how to appoint good agencies and how to ensure the agencies deliver the best value.

Marketing Metrics and measurement
Exercise – Identifying marketing metrics for your company.

Your action plan: In this concluding session we use the learning and summarize the set of takeaways.

Think deep, visualize broad, while remaining in the realm of reality and practicality with only returns and results in mind. The multiple workshop sessions are best supplemented by handholding, constant fine-tuning, and scrutiny of result metrics. 

Support for implementation and execution is also just a call away.

Please share brief information. 'L.I.F.T.' brochure shall be in your inbox within 5 minutes after you click the 'Submission' button.

E.A.R.N. - Sales Strategy, Sales Plan

‘Sales Strategy and Sales Plan’ module is geared towards helping organizations of all sizes to build Sales Strategy, improve Sales Plan and enhance revenue generation for the organization.

We recommend this for all established businesses which are looking to improve ‘generation of sales leads’ and improve ‘lead conversion’. This module has also proven itself for businesses experiencing unpredictable fluctuations in sales or facing difficulties in getting the best out of their sales teams.

  • Primary participants:          Founder, CEO, Business leaders and key members of the Sales team
  • Recommended batch size: 4-10 persons
  • Duration:                                7-8 intense hours per session
  • Time to first session:            4 to 6 weeks from signing of agreement & advance payment (new clients) or 2 to 3 weeks after Marketing Strategy Workshops
  • Fee Structure:                       INR 210,000 – preparation and first session. Stay on course with INR 125,000 per subsequent session.

Draft Agenda/Topics Covered:

Setting definitions in place
Exercise – Establishing Sales Jargon for the organization.

Designing and defining Sales Funnel
Exercise – Setting definitions, ratios, qualifications and timelines for constituents of Sales Funnel.

Developing Sales Plan
Exercise – Setting template for numbers, calendars, targets for various clients, business segments and team constituents.

Creating an effective sales pitch
Exercise – Fine tuning your sales pitch – value-based, feature-based, relationship-based or something else.

Creating new relationships and Nurturing prospects
Exercise – Identifying current ways of nurturing and new ones to be added.

Smart sales tactics for smart salespeople
Exercise – Role playing and learning from feedback.

Sales metrics and effectiveness
Exercise – Reviewing and rebuilding your sales metrics.

Arguments, intense debates, shattering beliefs and myths, breaking generalizations. Tiding over a million excuses and confirmation biases. The multiple workshop sessions are the harbingers of setting culture of rewarding the real heroes and separating chaff from the wheat. These are best supplemented by handholding, constant reviews, client visits, reports and dashboards. 

Support for implementation and execution is just a call away.

Please fill information below. ‘E.A.R.N.' brochure shall be in your inbox within 5 minutes after you click the 'Submission' button.

L.E.A.P. - Strategic HR and Talent Management

‘Talent Management Strategy and SHRM’ sessions are compilation of proven methods geared towards helping you acquire, nurture, and build formidable talent in your organization. We recommend this for all businesses which are looking to build intrinsically motivated and self-propelled employees. Organizations which want their ships to be manned by professionals to successfully sail the high seas.

An excellent brand or market leadership or a celebrated place to work are simply the by-products of having an able and sincere workforce.

  • Primary participants:           Founders, CEO, optimistic CxOs, Business leaders and key members of the HR team
  • Recommended batch size:   4-8 persons
  • Duration:                                  7-8 intense hours each session
  • Time to first session:              3 to 4 weeks from signing of agreement & advance payment (new clients) or 2 to 3 weeks after Business Strategy Workshops
  • Fee Structure:                         INR 225,000 for preparation and first session. Stay on course for INR 125,000 per subsequent session.

Topics Covered:

Need Assessment and Blueprint Creation
Exercise – Establishing need and the extent of need.

Organizational Design
Exercise – Framework of organizational structure, most suited model; departments and divisions; hierarchies and job specifications; requisite skills and counts.

Effective Talent Acquisition
Exercise – Setting template for process and methods for search, assessment and acquisition of the right talent; building employer brand; conducting Assessment Centers.

Learning & Development and Training

Exercise – Running long-term, customized programs for talent development. Starting with bespoke ‘Orientation’ and ‘Onboarding’ programs and continuing with need-based development programs though their association with the organization.

Building future with OD & Talent Development
Exercise – PMS, L&D, Psychometric assessments or Training, Career Plan, Development and Transition, Succession Planning, Knowledge Management, Competency Mapping, skill inventories and bridging the gaps; Conducting Development Centers; weeding out Dunning-Kruger effect.

Retaining requisite talent
Exercise – Motivation, engagement, incentives, performance linked remuneration, how much and how much not. Find your optimum level and law of diminishing results.

HR tools and Policies
Exercise – What is optimum and how to implement the best.

HR Compliance
Exercise – Identifying requirements, assessing fulfilment and creating framework for compliance.

Tender yet firm. Talent management or Human Resource Management or HRM is deeper and more complex than we know. Behavioral Science, Neuroscience, Psychology. With advancements in science and the modern age we are still to be content with knowing less than 5% of the human brain. Right or wrong, humans shall take your company in the direction they want to. Multiple workshops sow the seeds of getting the right people on board, aligning the existing ones with company’s goals and helping non-conformists off the bus.

Support for implementation and execution is just a call away.

Please fill information below.
'LnD & OD' brochure shall be in your inbox within 5 minutes after you click the 'Submission' button.

L.E.A.D. - Leadership Coaching & Executive Coaching

‘Executive Coaching and Business Coaching’ modules are aimed at enabling business leaders to unlock their full potential and maximize individual capacities. These modules are designed to bring positive, long-lasting changes through stimulating reflective thinking, deepening self-awareness and leveraging internal strengths.

These personalized interactive sessions help organizations nurture best-in-class talent to maximize organizational potential to consistently build high performing leaders/”Star” performers. Thus, building leadership team and culture to streamline business operations, create a long-term growth trajectory and scale up business.

These coaching modules are essential for organizations planning long innings and starting today to build the organizations of tomorrow.

  • Primary participants:  Founders, CEO, CxOs, other Business Leaders and key management team members
  • Recommended batch size: Exclusive sessions specifically tailored for each person
  • Session Duration: 1-2 intense hours in each session; multiple Need-based sessions for each person
  • Time to first session: 4 to 6 weeks from signing of agreement & advance payment

Draft Agenda / Topics Covered:

Need Assessment and Blueprint Creation

Exercise – Establishing need and the depth of requisite support.

Exercise – 3600 feedback, psychometric assessment, personal self-awareness, synergizing personal aspiration and goals with those of the business.

Interpersonal relationships
Exercise – Building value, benefits and need for effective relationships for growth of self and organization.

Nurturing innovators and leaders of today and tomorrow
Exercise – Building entrepreneurial spirit, desire to enrich knowledge, mindset for profitable growth, executive leadership competencies.

Executive Coaching – Building and Nurturing best-in-class talent
Exercise – Customized One on One sessions Coaching to maximize potential and build consistently high performing leaders/”Star” performers. Sessions are designed to maximize individual capacities to bring positive changes. Through stimulating reflective thinking, deepening self-awareness and leveraging internal strength, these are catalytic sessions for both personal and organizational change.

Action plans
Exercise – Action plans for putting learnings to practice. With timelines and measurement rubrics.

Follow through
Exercise – Monthly sessions, progress assessment, debriefing and reporting.

Executive Coaching is a catalyst for both personal and organizational changes. It helps business leaders “unblock” barriers to their growth; identify and leverage their strengths; create/refine internal vision to lead themselves and others effectively.

Participating organizations reap rich benefits and grow in gallops. Coaching sessions support the leaders in synergizing their personal long-term objectives with those of the organization and help them create their own success within that of the organization.