SHRM Diagnostics & Specialty Solutions

Interventions for a Thriving Future!

When the visionary in you wants to go beyond just today. When you envision a successful organization of the future, and you want to curate the forces that would hold it well and grow further.

When you want to set right today and lay the foundation for brighter tomorrows.

A potent combination of specialists in Business processes, SHRM, Behavioral Science, and Counselling is the answer to your clarion call.

Specialty interventions & Diagnostics for Talent Management, Learning and Development, Succession Planning, Assessment Center, Development Center, Counseling, Coaching, and Mentoring, with GautamManthan

Specialty Behavioral Interventions

Counselling corporate employees by GautamManthan

Counseling for Positive Change

Not just a counselor; but a Facilitator of positive change.

What an employee goes through at work directly impacts their life outside the office, and vice versa.

Counseling at the workplace is a valuable, preventive tool that helps employees better understand and manage stress, work-related issues, or even personal problems. To employees in need of support, a counselor can work as a mirror, an empathetic friend, a sounding board, a trained guide, and much more. Professional counseling is strictly nonjudgmental and confidential.

brown game pieces on white surface

Leadership Development, Leadership Coaching

A continuous journey of self-discovery, learning, and development.

‘Leadership Coaching’ and ‘Leadership Development’ are the ‘secret sauce’ for building and improving leadership traits essential for nurturing and nourishing successful leaders. This is applicable across functions and levels, from individual contributors to team players to CxOs. It is a highly effective, structured initiative designed to facilitate the metamorphosis of individuals into effective leaders. It is inherently human to have blind spots and tremendous yet untapped potential. ‘Leadership Development’ and ‘Leadership Coaching’ programs identify and enable employees to work on those areas of improvement.

Executive coaching by GautamManthan. Mentoring, Leadership Development for Top Management and CxOs

Executive Coaching

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

It is lonely at the top. Every CxO needs a friend, philosopher, and guide. Sounds like a cliché but has been proven true in the history of mankind.

Executive Coaching has proved itself to be a great modern tool for providing critical help to C-Suite leaders as well as to organizations. Such executives need and expect guidance, support, and emotional intelligence especially when they are at a crossroads or are facing blind spots. ‘Support from where’ is always a big question. Many feel apprehensive about asking for it should it render them perceptibly incompetent for the post. In other cases, it is in short supply. 


Assessment Centers and Development Centers for corporate employees by GautamManthan

Assessment Centers

‘Flight Simulator’ for Talent Selection.

A prognostic assessment of candidates’ future success based on objective data and specific results.

Ideally, Assessment Centers must replace the usual perceptual hypotheses-based evaluation criteria with a scientific, standardized multifaceted tool for objective, behavior-based, and quantifiable assessment.

You can assess candidates for requisite traits and competencies while avoiding impression-manage and undue reliance on the portrayed past.

Assessment Centers and Development Centers for corporate employees by GautamManthan

Development Centers

‘Vulnerability Scanner’ for HiPo Identification and Development

A stepping stone for a long-term, action-oriented L&D intervention. It is a good tool for identifying, developing, and retaining high-potential employees for future leadership roles. This need-gap evaluation assesses their needs for training, mentoring, coaching, and development.

However, Standalone Development Centers are like a great blueprint without execution. Design bespoke integrated Leadership Development Programs that start with Development Centers and go on to execute long-term interventions to achieve desired goals and results.

Psychometric Assessments & Analysis by GautamManthan

Psychometric Analysis

‘Read them like a book.’

An effective enabler for making accurate high-stake talent and leadership decisions. A good tool for assessing and harnessing the personal characteristics, personality traits, and abilities of job candidates, incumbent employees, and leadership teams.

Build customized modules for role-based Competency Mapping identifying training and development needs, developing HiPo employees, and honing the leaders. Get holistic insights into an individual’s psychological attributes by objectively assessing an individual’s personality traits, intelligence, abilities, and behavioral style.

Why GautamManthan!

We understand it is necessary, if not mandatory, for an external agency to understand the functioning of businesses, working of various business functions, human behavior, organizational behavior, and the fabric of the organization.

For an external agency to offer you support for your specific needs, even a single miss on the list renders the interventions less effective, if not useless.

Our panel of experts includes experienced hands who have decades of experience in running organizations, working in large organizations, Training, Coaching, Counselling, and Learning & Development.

This enables us to have a bird’s-eye view as well as capture granular details.

And such a diverse knowledge group is not easy to find.

Need to discuss specialty needs?

Develop Healthy Talent and Leadership with Specialty SHRM Support?
Pick up your phone. Email/WhatsApp

Counseling for Positive Change

Not just a counselor; but a Facilitator of positive change.

What an employee goes through at work directly impacts their life outside the office, and vice versa.

Counseling at the workplace is a valuable, preventive tool that helps employees better understand and manage stress, work-related issues, or even personal problems. To employees in need of support, a counselor can work as a mirror, an empathetic friend, a sounding board, a trained guide, and much more. Professional counseling is strictly nonjudgmental and confidential.

GautamManthan boasts of having on board trained, experienced counselors in Ms Neeti Mehta and Ms Neelam Agarwal. Neeti is a corporate HR veteran, a qualified psychology student, and a certified Executive Coach. Neelam is a qualified, experienced counsellor who, besides individual counselling, has been conducting workshops to raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being in collaboration with corporates, government institutes, FICCI members, schools, and NGOs.

Key benefits for the organization – Counseling helps to improve employee performance and increases productivity. This happens as a good counselor helps employees effectively combat workplace anxiety, stress and mitigate other such issues.

Leadership Development, Leadership Coaching​

A continuous journey of self-discovery, learning, and development.

‘Leadership Coaching’ and ‘Leadership Development’ are the ‘secret sauce’ for building and improving leadership traits essential for nurturing and nourishing successful leaders. This is applicable across functions and levels, from individual contributors to team players to CxOs. It is a highly effective, structured initiative designed to facilitate the metamorphosis of individuals into effective leaders. It is inherently human to have blind spots and tremendous yet untapped potential. ‘Leadership Development’ and ‘Leadership Coaching’ programs identify and enable employees to work on those areas of improvement. 

This process is not only about improving tactical skills. It nurtures and transforms the whole self of a participant.

These interventions by GautamManthan encompass customized modules, specifically curated for each participant. These are specifically aimed at enhancing the leadership potential of HiPo employees as well as the current leaders and bringing a renewed sense of purpose. A platform for them to introspect, reflect on their leadership styles, and improvement areas, acquire new skills, and learn from successes as well as failures. We ensure that the participants enhance their skills in requisite areas, including but not limited to:

  • Effective Decision Making
  • Strategy and Strategic Thinking
  • Managing Teams for Results
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Continuous Improvement
  • Effective Communication
  • Coaching, mentoring, and developing others.
  • initiative for building employees with the skills and mindset to be effective leaders
  • and more….

Our interventions are based on Behavioral Science and include workshops, one-on-one sessions, psychometric assessments, coaching, counseling, and mentoring. These programs are conducted online and offline, and in classroom or flipped classroom sessions – all as may be deemed suitable for the employee in question.

Key benefits for the organization – Enhanced productivity, better adaptability, flowing entrepreneurial spirit, better succession planning, nurturing effective future leaders, and more.

Executive Coaching

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

It is lonely at the top. Every CxO needs a friend, philosopher, and guide. Sounds like a cliché but has been proven true in the history of mankind.

Executive Coaching has proved itself to be a great modern tool for providing critical help to C-Suite leaders as well as to organizations. Such executives need and expect guidance, support, and emotional intelligence especially when they are at a crossroads or are facing blind spots. ‘Support from where’ is always a big question. Many feel apprehensive about asking for it should it render them perceptibly incompetent for the post. In other cases, it is in short supply. 

Enter a good Executive Coach – experienced, curious, asking questions, sniffing out inconspicuous truths, and supporting ‘the Executive’ with candor. An Executive Coach fills the gap that management studies miss – handholding C-Suite executives as individuals. 

Giving them a mirror alongside the window through which they see the world. Alongside reinforcing emotional intelligence, an often-overlooked aspect of leadership.

During our interventions, executives get a factual, yet neutral, assessment.  We support them work on the areas they need for further growth. We help them ponder over the effects of their actions, slow down, or recalibrate their people skills. All this while acknowledging their contributions, building their faith in the importance organization accords them, and honoring their individuality.

Our objective is to bring about behavioral improvements in the requisite facets for an executive. The aim is to cause cultural changes so the entire organization benefits and the executives grow.

Our coaches believe that Executive Coaching is a trilateral liaison between the executive, the coach, and the organization. Each of the three sides must be the right fit for every association in specific. The organization must have compelling reasons to get the executives coached. The executive must be a fit candidate to be coached, and valuable enough to justify the monetary and other efforts involved. Our coaches too must have capabilities to add good value to the proposed engagement.

Isn’t it strange for a consultancy or a coach to talk about the capabilities of their resources? We believe, though professionally qualified and experienced, our Executive Coaches must be conversant with the type of organization, and understand the industry and practices of the business domain. They must be poised to bring great value to the engagement.

Our panel of qualified experts and their respective real-life experiences ensure we get optimum results for each participant. One-size-does-not-fit-all and develop exclusive intervention

  • Strategic Planning
  • Organizational Culture
  • Organizational Change
  • Succession Planning
  • Coaching, mentoring, and developing others
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Assuaging feelings of loneliness and isolation

Key benefits for the organization – Motivated and improved leadership, improved thought leadership, enhanced emotional intelligence, improved productivity, and robust executive presence.

Assessment Centres

‘Flight Simulator’ for Talent Selection.

A prognostic assessment of candidates’ future success based on objective data and specific results.

Ideally, Assessment Centers must replace the usual perceptual hypotheses-based evaluation criteria with a scientific, standardized multifaceted tool for objective, behavior-based, and quantifiable assessment.

You can assess candidates for requisite traits and competencies while avoiding impression-manage and undue reliance on the portrayed past.

Call upon GautamManthan for a customized, comprehensive module to get an in-depth assessment of skills, abilities, and potential fit for the subject roles.

Recommended for the candidates in the advanced stages of the recruitment process; preceded by competency-based interviews and followed by psychometric assessments.

Key benefits for the organization – Enhanced Employer Branding with a transparent method and realistic expectations cum job preview to the aspirants. Bonus points include a steeper learning curve, higher productivity, and lower attrition.

Development Centres

‘Vulnerability Scanner’ for HiPo Identification and Development

A stepping stone for a long-term, action-oriented L&D intervention. It is a good tool for identifying, developing, and retaining high-potential employees for future leadership roles. This need-gap evaluation assesses their needs for training, mentoring, coaching, and development.

However, Standalone Development Centers are like a great blueprint without execution. Design bespoke integrated Leadership Development Programs that start with Development Centers and go on to execute long-term interventions to achieve desired goals and results.

Trust GautamManthan to custom-design and implement end-to-end programs to build tomorrow’s leaders for your organization. The key stages of such an intervention are:

  • Need-gap assessment through Development Centers.
  • Designing employees’ development journey based on the findings of the Development Center. This includes setting specific goals, training, coaching, mentoring, grooming, and handholding needs for each participant.
  • Nurturing and nourishing the participants through execution, monitoring, and necessary fine-tuning of the designed program.
  • Continuous progress evaluation to monitor progress and achievement of set objectives.

Key benefits for the organization – Building in-house Talent Factory, effective retention of worthy employees, and fruitful succession planning.

Psychometric Analysis

‘Read them like a book.’

An effective enabler for making accurate high-stake talent and leadership decisions. A good tool for assessing and harnessing the personal characteristics, personality traits, and abilities of job candidates, incumbent employees, and leadership teams.

Build customized modules for role-based Competency Mapping identifying training and development needs, developing HiPo employees, and honing the leaders. Get holistic insights into an individual’s psychological attributes by objectively assessing an individual’s personality traits, intelligence, abilities, and behavioral style.

Our assessments/tests are specially designed for Indian employees. These have been extensively deployed for over 2 decades and patented by Mentor Learning, GautamManthan’s Knowledge Partner. Our trained, experienced professionals extract insights from the psychometric assessments and help you utilize those through detailed reporting, action plans, counseling, coaching, and monitoring.

Key benefits for the organization – We help you leverage Psychometric assessments to positively influence each facet of the employee lifecycle, i.e., recruitment, training, leadership development continuous improvement.